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  • Writer's pictureBen Pechey

September Favorites

Welcome to the next instalment of my favourites, no preamble lets do this...

Extra long Amazon cable

So you've started reading my September favourites and are thinking god he's scraping the barrel. Well honey, it's not just a cable. It is 6 foot long cable or for those of you who like cm it's around 180cm long. This is quite simply revolutionary, mainly and quite possibly the only reason is because you can charge your phone and check Instagram in bed, in comfort. It's the best £6.59 I have ever spent. I honestly do not know how I existed before this cable, and let's face it, neither did you.

Get it here

Perfect Illusion

Of course new Gaga had to be included in my favourites. At first on September 9th I was not sure on it, but by the 10th I was obsessed.

My top 3 favourite parts of perfect illusion:

•It's easy to sing to, there's like two lines...

•The key change, oh my word it is everything and beyond, I get so excited for it every time.

•It means Lady Gaga is dropping a new album this month which is INCREDIBLE NEWS !!!!! The 21st is circled in my diary and my calendar, it is real people !!!!

You can tell I'm a fan...

Marks and Spencer Popcorn

Now you may not know this but I am a keen snacker, it may be one of my worst habits. However, in recent months I have been tackling my relationship with such things. One of the things that works for me is little and often thus a low calorie option needed to be found. The popcorn is 184 calories a bag which is quite good, and satisfies my sweet tooth. Also because popcorn is crunchy it takes longer to eat which also makes me feel fuller. So I really recommend this popcorn.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

An oldie but a goodie, I have no idea how many times I have seen the whole 7 seasons. I know a lot of people don’t like to re-watch things but I am a massive fan of the feelings that certain shows can produce, which is really handy when I am away at uni as it provides a nice comfort. A couple of stand out episodes for me will always be Out of sight, out of Mind (S1), Band Candy (S3) and Once More with Feeling (S6). Sadly not on Netflix, but the entire box set is less than the price of a decent pair of trainers, and there are 144 episodes, think of all the joy that can bring !!

Get it here

No Context GBBO

I am a huge fan of The Great British Bake Off and some of the charm of the programme is the pun laden dialogue which causes much a snigger. Well over on Twitter an account called @nocontextgbbo is your daily dose of poorly phrased statements, which out of context are hilarious. Need I say more.

Here are a few of my favourites:

Follow them on Twitter here

Also on a side note I am terribly upset over the whole GBBO/Chanel 4/BBC drama, still not over that 😪.

Infinite Mix Exhibition

In a shocking twist I introduce some culture to this September favourites. As part of my degree we are encouraged to engage in exhibitions to inspire, inform and educate. This exhibition was an immersive film experience with 10 different films all very different, from the moving to wildly odd. Now I won't give anything away but my personal favourites were Film 1 and 3.

I will say it's not an exhibition that you can do in half an hour, I was there around 2 hours so you could really fill an afternoon with this !! For those who visited the Louis Vuitton Series 3 exhibition last autumn, it is in the same building (180 The Strand). I highly recommend you check the infinite mix out of you are in London between now and December the 4th. Also as if you need more incentive it's completely free !!


That concludes my September favourites, I cannot believe we are in October already !! However, that does mean we are closer to Christmas which can only be a good thing !!

Thanks for reading to this point, if you love my posts or have a suggestion for a post you want to see, give me a shout in the comments, tweet me (@ben_pechey) or even send me a letter (you can't actually send me a letter, I don't have a PO box, although I would die for one to live out my Blue Peter presenter fantasy).

Until next time dear reader...

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