Hi there, welcome back to benpechey.com and to the last post of September. Today I don’t have a diminutive message to bring to you, but instead taking the opportunity on the 5th Friday in a month to sum up the thoughts and ideas I have discussed in previous Friday posts. Also today I want to just let you enjoy some beautiful views, and perhaps the forms some of the narratives in today's post!

Go somewhere you have never been before, experiencing the unknown gives such a pleasurable sensation and feels like it nourishes your soul. I have lived in Yorkshire for a lot of my life, yet I have never visited Yorkshire Lavender. Well, I have no idea why I haven’t, it was absolutely breathtaking, set in the beautiful Wolds of Yorkshire, with stunning scenery and gorgeous landscaping it was truly a wonderful outing.

I haven’t got much more to say, but then the beautiful Vista took my breath away so maybe there is no need for words. September has been a view filled month, from Prejudice, Summer and Plus Size visibility. I have had a lot to say so maybe take a look through some of my posts this month here.

Bye for now, and I shall see you in October.

Shot by Rachel Pechey
Shop My Look
Jacket: ASOS, Out of Stock, Similar
T-Shirt: H&M Curve
Jeans: Old
Trainers: Vans
Sunglasses: Tom Ford