Welcome back everyone. We are nearly at the end of April, this is getting a bit ridiculous, I cannot think where the year has gone !!!! As is traditional I will run you through the things that I have loved this month.
Aloe Vera Gel

In a long and drawn out battle with my skin (that soon I will document and talk to you about) I have had to find different ways of tackling dryness and soreness. I was recommended Aloe Vera gel as a way to soothe and soften my skin. I like that it seems to do this, and is natural so is a win win !!
Get it here
Ecodenta Toothpaste

I am a secret dental hygiene freak, and am a devoted user of an electric toothbrush to keep my smile in check. I have been tempted by the charcoal whitening powders that are popping up all over Instagram. However I couldn't stand the mess that I reckon they make. So whilst in Holland and Barrett picking up my Aloe Vera gel I spotted this and thought I would give it a go. It is BLACK, but don’t be afraid, it is because of the charcoal. Don't expect dramatic effects, but I think it has made a difference, I do love the taste, it leaves my mouth feeling very clean and I will keep on using this.
Get it here
Princess Peach Backpack

You will have seen this in my New in- Christmas Edition. However the past month this backpack has really come into its own, and I really love it. I also love the fact that it has the ability to make people smile, as so many people compliment it. This has been a firm favourite this month.
Get it here
Fantastic Beasts

I loved this in the cinema, and so the DVD could not fail to be a favourite.
Get it here
Sleeper Earrings

You will have seen these as far back as February. However I have never written about them, but April is the month that they have their moment !! They are so comfy and not fiddly, there is no downside to these !!
Shop Similar here
Propercorn Coconut and Vanilla

As a hang over from fashion week, I was craving this popcorn. However I forgot about it until I saw it in Sainsburys. Since then I have been ADDICTED, April has been the month of popcorn !!
Get it here
Favourite Outfit
This month is a tie between New Neutrals and Colour Block Brutalism. Thank you to the lovely Claudia Palčova for her incredible photography !!

So there you have it, all the things that I have been loving this month !! I will see you next week as usual. Have a lovely weekend everyone !!