Welcome back to a WELL OVERDUE New In post. What can I say other than funds have been TIGHT honey. However it has been new issue season and I consider magazines to be part of my education, and the last part of this year’s student loan dropped, so quite rightly I treated myself…
Please Magazine
This is my second issue of Please, I added this because I love the focus on accessories that Please does so well. I also love the hard backed edition for their 10th anniversary.
Purchased from Unique Magazines
Naked but Safe
Again my second issue, I have bought again because I love the attitude of this magazine. A must have for me.
I have been buying Hunger for a couple of years now. A magazine by Rankin this is a biannual must for me.
I love Dansk, produced in the netherlands I love the way they approach fashion. So this was a no brainer for me...
I always allow myself a brand new title every six months and this was the one. I love how big it is. I’ll let you know if it’s good…
Purchased from Foyles
Self Service
I am a HUGE fan of Self Service and its a sodding difficult job to find this magazine, I am however yet again successful. I am very pleased about that.
So there you have it, the new fashion publications piled up over at chez benpechey.com. It’s not only an expensive habit that I call a passion, it is so important for us to support the print industry and fashion as a whole. So I have done my bit- again !!
Love you all, see you soon …
Unless stated these magazines were all purchased from Wadour News in Soho. Go there it is INCREDIBLE, magazine heaven…