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Being queer holds a responsibility

Spencer Cooper

Being queer for me has been somewhat difficult. But more than anything it’s been a journey, a process if you like. I have always struggled with relationships whether that be friends, families, or lovers.

Finding myself and my voice through social media was brilliant for me, but it also gave me that network I desired. There are so many queers floating around the internet and that alone gave me so much energy. Since coming out, I have been able to confide in so many individuals and them in me.

Compared to most, I had an easy time coming out. I created my page For The Love Of Gays in order to reach out to those who hadn’t. I got talking to hundreds of individuals from all corners of the globe and it was very special.

I now create queer visuals and shoot with some wonderful characters in the UK. I am growing my portfolio and using photojournalism to really build a sense of who I am but also who I can become.

Being queer holds a responsibility. It means looking out for one another. It means existence in a world where we simply have not existed for such a long time. Progress has been made and I was fortunately granted some privilege in that.

For me, it is essential to recognise those that weren’t and to give their voices some space to scream as loud as their lungs will let them! The future is bright we just need to get there. The journey, however, has been fabulous and I don’t ever want it to end.

See more from Spencer, follow them on Instagram, follow For the Love of Gays, follow The Gay Photographer


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