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  • Writer's pictureBen Pechey

Responsibility Month

Oh hello darling and welcome back to Today is the first post of October, and thus starts a brand new month of content. Welcome to Responsibility Month.

It is no secret that of late I have not been feeling myself, and for one reason or another, I don’t know what is going on. I feel that so much of what we are told is that we have to be fixed or fixing ourselves. Yet sometimes we just have to focus on ourselves one day at a time without having the answer.

There is never an example of someone just co-existing with their problems, which in reality is how many of us see day today. I am not writing this as a guide of how to BE BETTER, but instead, to help you just be okay.

At times like this, the basics are what matters. We have the responsibility as individuals to give ourself the best chance today, just to get through it. Life is at its essence can be super complicated, and with one thing and another, we have the right and responsibility to do whatever feels right. Right now.

Self-care is so often seen as face masks and personalised candles. Yet self-care is doing things that make you feel just a little bit more in control of what is going on around you. For example, I am writing this whilst in the bath, with Sex and the City on in the background. This is a lesson in self-care, making me feel comfortable and able to get through the tasks I need to perform.

I’m aware that at this point this is a little like the blind leading the blind. However, I am always able to give advice better than I am at taking it. So responsibility month is here to remind you today that you have to take the time to look after you.

So if today has felt like a struggle so far, take steps to ease the pressure. No one is infallible, and we all need to take time to focus on us. So if you can, then maybe adjust your schedule into a way that makes you feel more relaxed.

I am aware that you won’t all be able to take days at a time that my semi-freelance life gives me. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t find a way to reduce the pressure you feel. Cancel plans that are not essential, maybe see if you can swap shifts at work, and try and give your brain a rest.

At the end of the day, we only have one body, one brain and one chance. So the bigger picture can wait, taking life a day at a time can help you focus on the essentials, which are basic nourishment and sleep. Start with that and then see what comes next, you never know the difference a day can make.

Thank you for joining me today on the first post of responsibility month, I will see you next week.

Shot by Rachel Pechey

Shop My Lewk:

Jumpsuit: Unique 21, very old, shop similar here

Shoes: Vans

Earrings: Topshop, sold out


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