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  • Writer's pictureBen Pechey

Turn Up the Volume...

Honey, welcome to your Friday dose of What a scorcher this week has been, I am not a huge fan of the heat and this week I have been quite ill so I am glad it is nearly the weekend- where I intend to recover via the medium of sleep !!

Today I am talking about a trend piece, big sleeves are all over the place right now, and today it is my turn to showcase this piece of fashion.

Okay so the big sleeve trend has been round a WHILE, and yes I am V.late to that party. However, I don’t always love trends, and even if I do love a trend, I have to find a garment that is still very me without being totally trend led.

This big sleeve number is just that piece, it is my style but it plays into the trend. One thing that put me off so many other pieces were just how long the sleeves were. Well honey I won’t be dragging these bad boys through my dinner, because they are halfway up my arms, which is really what drew me to this piece. I also love how it taps into the striped shirting that is all over the place right now.

I think that following trends is fun and exciting, I like people seeing the way I dress as modern and of the moment. However, I never want to lose myself in the outfit just to cater to trends. This outfit is the representation of a happy medium.

So nice and short today, hope you feel inspired to dress in a way that makes you feel happy and comfortable !!

I wish you all a beautiful bank holiday weekend, enjoy the weather !!!


Shot by Rachel Pechey

Thank you to my beloved Monty, who had a guest role in this post- you are such a sport.

What I'm wearing:


Jeans: Old

Trainers: Adidas

Sunglasses: Chloe


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